Ethics in research  

The specifics of ethics, code ethics vs. situational ethics, the difference between ethical codes and laws, selected provisions of ethical codes; copyright law and the ethical dimension of plagiarism, the ethical foundations of copyright law, copyright law in the field of scientific research, borderline areas: self-plagiarism, cryptocitation, the problem of duplication of publications and "salami slicing", the credibility of research, the norms governing co- authorship of papers; ethical aspects of reviewing publications: Conflict of interest, challenges to the anonymity of reviews, the problem of bias, confidentiality of data, scope of expertise; ethical aspects of patent law; conflict of interest in scientific research; falsification of research results; social responsibility of the scientist; problems of the modern world; problems of research ethics related to work at the university: closed scientific environment, bullying (sexuality, carnality), verbal bullying, types of bullying specific to the university environment, use of institutional advantage: teacher-student relationship, promoter-doctoral student, scientist experienced more-less).
Ethics in research

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